
My Inner Voice

Torbit - April 11, 2024 - - 0 |
Strategy Pays

Strategy Pays

Strategy ki talwaar, kare sab ka beda paar

In popular Bollywood movie,’3 Idiots’, Chatur thought out a strategy to top exams- study for 16 hours a day and distracting competitors by surreptitiously slipping magazines in their rooms. In ‘Jo Jeeta woh Sikandar’, in a cycle race, Amir Khan as a strategy does not put his bike in top gear till the remaining 100 meters of the last lap. While his competitor Deepak Tijori takes to top gear at the start of last lap of the race, Amir Khan put his bike in top gear just short of finish line and goes on to win the race.

An elephant humiliates an ant time and again and tramples upon the house of the ant. The angry ant thinks of a strategy to teach elephant a lesson. One day when the elephant is asleep, the ant gets into his ear. The elephant tries his best to take the ant out of his ear but fails to do so. Ultimately, the desperate elephant banging his head against the wall and ultimately dies.

Now coming to my own strategy. In 1991 during BE Final Year exam, I prepared a project- SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply). For the project viva, a team of five professors came to VRCE (Regional Engineering College). I was very nervous. A night before I remembered answers of all the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) related to the project. When the viva exam started the professors kept on asking me these FAQs and I promptly answered. After 2 hours the Dean Professor told other professors that I had strategically misled them and they got trapped in my strategy and could not ask any question other than the FAQs. As a result of my strategic preparation, I got 149 out of 150 marks and topped the university with 86.16 percent marks. And this record remains unbroken till today.

From doing homework to hooking a girl, extracting pocket money and a bike from parents to getting leave sanctioned from the boss to getting permission for each task. If you find yourself helpless, avail my free strategy service.


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