
My Inner Voice

Torbit - May 25, 2024 - - 1 |

Courage & Resilience

” Jaan ki baazi lagane  wala hota hai jaanbaz”

The boat which rides the storms is a real boat and a person who does not become unstable in the midst of a storm is a courageous person. Those who set out to tur ‘impossible’ into ‘possible’, not caring for their life, are truly brave.

Year 2012. That was the time  when sales teams used to make consolidated sales of about Rs 50 crore in all residential projects spread across Noida, Gurgaon, Punjab and Dehradun put together. The CMD of the company then decided  to go aggressive and started to put together a 5-year roadmap. The sales team was asked to draw a revenue plan for 5 years targeting a monthly revenue of Rs 200 crore All sales heads of different regions came together  but none was sure that the revenue could be increased from Rs 50 crore to Rs 200 crore a month.

It was then that TORBIT (Tortoise + Rabbit), signifying strategy and pace was born. The team set out to achieve the monthly target of Rs 200 crore and it was achieved. The real enjoyment of living life is to face challenges in life and overcome these challenges with courage, hard work and wisdom.

Kargil war is a classical example where Indian army on the ground was facing attack from Pakistan army positioned on the top of the mountain. Strategically, Indian army was in a weak position but showing courage and wisdom, Indian army got victory over Pakistan.

Friends, no matter how big is the crisis, one should not fear. Instead, believing in oneself, one should take the problem head on. The crisis will blow over.

“…jeene ka hai marne ka hai apna hi andaaz…Jaanbaz, Jaanbaz”    


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