
Property Related Monthly Predictions of All Zodiac Signs

Torbit - September 18, 2022 - - 0 |
Property Related Monthly Predictions of All Zodiac Signs

Astrology holds immense importance in property related  matters- be it buying , selling  and renting of property, construction of house , greh pravesh or mahurat  of  shop , factory and any business establishment. For the month of September, looking at the planetary positions, Sun is transiting from its own sign Leo to Kanya (Virgo). Jupiter and Saturn will be retrograde in Pisces and Capricorn respectively. Venus entered into the royal sign of Leo  on 31 August and will be there till 24 September before transiting to its debilitated sign Virgo. Venus will be combust beginning 15 September till 2 December . Mars will be Taurus sign throughout the month. Rahu and Ketu will occupy Aries and Libra respectively. Considering these planetary positions, the general  auspicious dates for purchase of property are  2nd, 22nd, 23rd, 29th and 30th September. There will be no auspicious dates for Griha Pravesh in this month. 

Predictions based on transits of planets with respect to the Moon Sign of the native are given below. To know your Moon sign, see Moon’s position in your horoscope at the time of your birth, which we refer to as natal/ birth Moon (Janma Chandra). 

Aries : Saturn – the 10th and 11th lord here – creating Shasha yoga is aspecting the 4th house. Jupiter is also aspecting the 4th house. This is good for landed property and professional gains through land deals or real estate and success from rental income. 1st, 2nd, 23rd and 29th are auspicious dates for sale/ purchase of property. 

Taurus  Apart from some trivial issues or temporary hurdles, overall this month will be good in property related affairs. Some  persons may face problems while taking loan for property. 1st, 2nd, 22nd, 29th and 30th are auspicious dates for sale/ purchase of property. 

Gemini : Mercury becomes the Lagna lord and 4th lord which is exalted in 4th house and aspected by Jupiter. It is time to pay attention to your property and buy your dream home. 1st, 2nd, 22nd, 23rd, 29th and 30th are auspicious dates for sale/ purchase of property. 

Cancer : Good period for addition in property. People in real estate business will get results according to their efforts. Whether it is individual property or business, there might be some foreign connection after mid-September. 22nd, 23rd and 30th are auspicious dates for sale/ purchase of property. 

Leo : This is a probable time for purchase of vehicle or a house. Inheriting property is also on the  cards for Leo persons during this month.. 1st, 2nd, 23rd and 29th are auspicious dates for sale/ purchase of property. 

Virgo : Some delays or hurdles in property deals may be experienced. Issues related to loan will  create worry  for some persons.. 1st, 2nd, 22nd, 29th and 30th are auspicious dates for sale/ purchase of property. 

Libra : Good time for renovation of house while  other property related matters may get a back seat. The  pending deals may well materialize. 1st, 2nd, 22nd, 23rd, 29th and 30th are auspicious dates for sale/ purchase of property. 

Scorpio : This month gains from property sale are indicated. It’s time for real estate entrepreneurs to be patient and put in that extra effort. 22nd, 23rd and 30th are auspicious dates for sale/ purchase of property. 

Sagittarius :There is a likelihood  of acquisition of property . This is very opportune time as two ‘mahapurusha yogas’ along 4/10 houses  are occurring. Dhan Yoga- 10th house being created after mid-September will bring in the desired profits from property business. 1st, 2nd, 23rd and 29th are auspicious dates for sale/ purchase of property. 

Capricorn : This month indicates monetary  gain as well as gains from property. The favourable  planetary position may give some an old house. There will be profits through rental income. 1st, 2nd, 22nd, 29th and 30th are auspicious dates for sale/ purchase of property. 

Aquarius : Property may come through inheritance. This is an opportune time for land deal. Some persons may be fortunate to get property gifted  by in-laws. 1st, 2nd, 22nd, 23rd, 29th and 30th are auspicious dates for sale/ purchase of property. 

Pisces : Here, Mercury becomes the fourth lord which is exalted in 7th house and aspected by Jupiter. This indicates a very good time for owning/ addition of a new property. People in real estate business can gain immensely. 22nd, 23rd and 30th are auspicious dates for sale/ purchase of property. 

Note: The above predictions,  are generalized . However, the specific predictions for an individual are based on reading of his/her horoscope in totality along with respective divisional charts, dasha operating for a given timeframe (dasha is very important in timing an event) and then taking into considerations of the transits of planets. 

* Siddhartha Mishra is an ardent astrologer with more than a decade of experience in Hindu astrology. He studied astrology from the Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Delhi. He has been dealing with various aspects of individual horoscopy such as education, career, property , marriage &  family relationship,   health, wealth and  happiness, foreign travels, legal matters, business, spiritual astrology and remedies. 

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