
Your Property Forecast For 2023

Torbit - December 25, 2022 - - 0 |
Your Property Forecast For 2023

It is time to bid goodbye to 2022 and welcome the New Year, embracing 2023 with new hopes and expectations. In 2023, Jupiter will transit to Aries on April 22 and Saturn will transit to Aquarious on January 17 where they will stay rest of the year. Rahu and Ketu will occupy Pisces and Virgo, respectively on November 29.   Torbit Realty presents your yearly property forecast for 2023. So find out about your property prospects in the New Year.

Aries : Saturn will enter the eleventh house in its own sign Aquarius on 17th January and Jupiter will be in Aries commencing from 22nd April. Jupiter will be in conjunction with Rahu here creating Guru Chandal yoga. This year will bring in opportunities to buy immovable properties. There are chances to own a land/ property that is far away from your current place of residence. Between May and November, you can purchase a new property. Things will go in your favour if you have a pending court case related to property.

Taurus : A Yoga Karaka for Taurus Lagna, i.e. Saturn (creating the Shash Mahapurush yoga here) will aspect the fourth house from its own sign Aquarius in 10th house. In addition, Jupiter will also aspect from 12th house giving its approval for property acquisition. This year you will be able to realize the dream of owning or building your house. July to mid-September will be very good period.

Gemini : First half of the year will offer great opportunity in real estate – particularly during 16th March to 7th June as fourth lord Mercury and 10th lord Jupiter will be in 10th and 11th houses. Rahu being there in 11th house will have its share of wilder thoughts although Jupiter there will tone down the bad effects. Period starting from 1st October till first week of November will again be good in terms of real estate and gains from property. Caution should be exercised in the remaining period of the year as it may entangle in some sort of conflict/ court case.

Cancer : Ketu detaches from the significations of the house it sits. Ketu here in the fourth house will not augur well for property matters. But Jupiter after moving to Aries on 22nd April will sprinkle its divine blessings and, hence, Rahu/Ketu axis along 4th/10th house wouldn’t completely ruin the prospects of property acquisition. However, after 16th October things will be much better. So, keep in reserve your money for buying a property in the last quarter.

Leo : The year will be average in terms of real estate. Mars in Taurus will aspect its own sign Scorpio (the fourth house here) till 13th March is a good period. After mid-November Mars will enter Scorpio and that would be really good for property acquisition. Gains through selling of property seems to be on card. Shani Maharaj will extend his grace throughout the year that will fulfill your dream with regard to own a house.

Virgo : A good year for Virgo natives who have been long desirous of having a house. Till 22nd April, there are ample opportunities to  possess property.  After this date, Jupiter will enter the eighth house of intrigues with the most mysterious of planets, i.e. Rahu. People working in government organisations  will finally get rid of their worries with regard to accommodation . Beware of being cheated as eighth house significations may unfold an unpleasant event. You can further your property deals during September to December.  

Libra :  Libra natives are the lucky ones to have good yogas for buying a house in 2023. Yogakarak Shani will be in 5th house from 17th January, resulting in gains from property and acquisition of new properties. Period between May to August will be extremely good as gains are indicated. Likewise, last quarter of the year will also be very fruitful in property/ real estate matters.

Scorpio : Excellent Shasha Mahapurush yoga will be formed in fourth house after 17th January and this will certainly bring to an end your wait to acquire a house of your own. The entire 2023 will be good for buying or building your dream home. In January, some might think of selling their property which will be highly profitable. Period from 1st July to 18th August would create the necessary circumstances for building your dream home or renovate your existing one.

Sagittarius : Benevolent Jupiter – the 4th lord sitting in the 4th house till 22nd April – will usher in his blessings for gain of property and profits out of property. One has to be little careful as both the fourth house and its lord are hemmed between two malefics. After 22nd April, the time will be challenging as Jupiter will conjoin Rahu and will be aspected by Saturn. Things will improve from October.

Capricorn : Saturn will aspect the fourth house from 17th January. Jupiter will transit to fourth house on 22nd April to conjoin Rahu here. In April, Sun will also be here. Fourth Lord Mars will be debilitated from 10th May to 1st July. So, it is better  not to get involved in  any kind of property dealing as it may lead to dispute or you may be ditched. Wait till November and December that would be appropriate time for buying property.

Aquarius : Placement of Jupiter and Mars in 2nd and 4th house, respectively, at the beginning of the year will make this an opportune period for property addition. Avoid any sort of property dealing in June, August and September as it may give rise to an issue. While October will be generally good, delays are obvious in November. Things will improve in December.

Pisces : As the fourth lord will be in 10th house in beginning of the year followed by its transit to 11th house till 27th February, it is very good for making property. related moves. Period between 13th March and 10th May will also be beneficial in property matters with the blessings of Bhumiputra Mars in 4th house. April to June will be conducive for gains from property or gain of property or inheritance of family wealth. Be careful in August and September as this may bring in some dispute or court cases related to property and there may be some delays or constraints in second part of October. November and December will be favourable months  like the first two months of the year.

Note: Predictions given here are based on transits of  the planets with respect to the moon sign of the native To know your moon sign, see moon’s position in yur horoscope at the time of your birth which we refer to as natal/ birth moon .The above forecasts are generalized ones. However, the specific predictions for an individual are based on reading of his/her horoscope in totality along with respective divisional charts, dasha operating for a given timeframe (dasha is very important in timing an event) and then taking into considerations the transits of planets.

 Siddhartha Mishra is an ardent astrologer with more than a decade of experience in indu astrology. He studied astrology from the Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Delhi. He has been practicing astrology with various aspects of individual horoscopy such as education, career, marriage & relationship, children, property & vehicle, matchmaking, acquisition of wealth, health, happiness, foreign travels, legal matters, business and remedies.

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